NJ Pest Control Company Uses Dog as Bedbug Detector

Bedbugs here, bedbugs there, bedbugs everywhere in the news these days: planes, theatres, and office buildings.  No place is seemingly immune.

But KYW’s Mike Dougherty reports that some companies now are fighting the six-legged problem with a four-legged solution.

(Dog handler:)  “Seek, seek, seek.”

The creepy, crawly pests can’t escape Rex’s nose.  He’s one of three specially trained and certified bedbug-sniffing dogs used by Toms River-based Action Pest Control.

Handler Steven Rozek says Rex is 98-percent accurate:

“He can get up to two inches. If it’s in the front of the couch, he’s definitely going to find it in the front of the couch. He’s going to put his nose right there.”

Michael Russell, with Action, says Rex doesn’t know he’s working:

“They consider it fun. In fact, all these dogs are rescue dogs. These dogs are chosen because maybe they were ripping up carpet at home or tearing up somebody’s house. These dogs just simply need a job to do.”

Rex can scour a one-bedroom apartment in about two minutes.

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